Bringing adventurous food to the table

Oliver’s Cupboard is full of organic and flavoursome ingredients, perfect for making interesting and nutritiously balanced meals inspired by our diverse and fascinating world. We bring you recipes from countries steeped in tradition yet very much part of our everyday modern life though the things we eat – foodclusion for everyone.

Organic & Flavoursome

Oliver’s Cupboard is full of organic and flavoursome ingredients, perfect for making interesting and nutritiously balanced meals inspired by our diverse and fascinating world. We bring you recipes from countries steeped in tradition yet very much part of our everyday modern life though the things we eat – foodclusion for everyone.

Adventurous Eaters

We believe that every child can be an adventurous eater through the introduction of amazing aromas, flavours and textures at an early age – helping to educate their palate and broaden their tastes.

Meet the founder - Sadia’s Story

Oliver’s Cupboard began during my own weaning journey with my son,What started as a hugely exciting time, soon became a sad and disappointing experience. The baby food aisles were bland, boring and lacking in any of the diverse flavours I wanted to feed my son.

I am a British/Bangladeshi mum and, like most South Asian parents and many BAME communities, we enjoy lots of flavours in our food. I was raised on home-cooked food because my mum couldn’t find Halal baby food, or anything with diverse flavours, so she had to make everything from scratch.

When I had my own child I assumed things would be different, but the same problem remained; bland, boring options and nothing that brings our multicultural society together. My weaning experience left me feeling excluded and what was more heart-breaking was it also felt like my son was being denied the wonders of flavoursome and authentic food from around the world.

Oliver’s Cupboard is all about being included, it’s about learning about different communities through food and creating a food industry that is together, inclusive and diverse. My brand is about storytelling, heritage and weaning through the generations. A baby food brand that is for all parents, not just the select few. Welcome to Oliver’s Cupboard.

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